Found 2 results

Access MySQL without password

Access MySQL without password locally may be sometimes needed and quite handy for various reasons like for example if you are a very passionate database developer or just occasionally doing DBA stuff and you desperately need to quickly access a specific database or table, can be quite annoying to type in your username and password each time you are using the console. In this very short tutorial we’ll talk about how to access MySQL without using a password locally via terminal window. We have tested this method using MySQL version 5.6 and 5.7 based on CentOS 7 operating system but […]

Category: MySQL | Published: 10/08/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018

MySQL GTID Replication Error

MySQL GTID replication error can happen unexpectedly for various reasons and as often as the classic master slave, circular or multi-master replication but in this short tutorial we will learn, step by step, how to skip MySQL GTID transaction error in order to keep in sync our MySQL slave server. Before we begin we need to say that all below steps were tested in a master-slave setup using MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7, we think that this MySQL skipping transaction method detailed below can be easily applied even for newer MySQL versions like 8+. Please note that all below operations […]

Category: MySQL | Published: 28/06/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018